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فيديوهات شرح منظومة سمارت جى اى اس Smart GIS Tutorials Videos
GIS Software Convert GIS Shape files and rectified images to HTML Google Map Web Mapping and Mobile Application by Elshayal Smart GIS

Kindly find Our GIS Open Source Code Library functions names.

All the following functions are available and running in our converted HTML GIS Web and Mobile Applications.

تسجيل منظومة سمارت جى اى اس  ايتيدا  Smart GIS Registeration in ITIDA

شهادات منظومة سمارت جى اى اس Smart GIS Certificates

How to convert shape files to HTML? 
1. Download the free GIS Software Elshayal Smart GIS 17.001

2. Setup it and then run ElshayalSmart.exe

3. for Example kindly download Cairo shape files and open project Cairo.arb

4. Adjust Layer color  : Layer proprieties -> color

5. Adjust Layer Label :  Layer proprieties -> Label

6. Press menu -> Tools -> convert shape files to HTML GIS web site application

7. In  Convert all visible shape files to html GIS web site application frame
    a. Press Browse to Select your Html5 web site target sub directory
    b. Check Table Data box to assure sending attribute text data table
    c. Press Convert

As On line example of Converted GIS Shape files to HTML Google Map Web Mapping and Mobile Application 
by using GIS Software Elshayal Smart GIS

Shape Converting Example

HTML5 Web Site result

Smart GIS Headers
<script type="text/javascript" charset="UTF-8" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" charset="UTF-8" src="" async></script>

 <!--#include file="DBcls.asp"-->

Smart GIS Layers Open Source functions

A)  Menu Functions  
1)      ShowDiv('DivId') ;
2)      HideDiv('DivId') ;
3)      ClearDropDown('DivId') ;

B)  XmlHttpRequest Functions
1)      SendFunc('fUrl', 'fParam', 'fTarget') ;
2)      SendFuncGet('fUrl', 'fParam', 'fTarget') ;
3)      SendFuncPost('fUrl', 'fParam', 'fTarget') ;
4)      SetSendFuncPath('Fpath') ;
5)      GetFormParams('FormID') ;

C)  Event Functions
1)      StartTimeOutFunc('FuncName()', TimeML) ;
2)      StopTimeOutFunc() ;
3)      SetGMapEventFunc('MapEventFunc') ;
4)      StartGpsWatch(LyrNo, 'clr', 'str', TimerInterval) ;
5)      StopGpsWatch() ;
6)      SetGpsMoveFunc('GpsMvFunc') ;
7)      SetGpsClickFunc('GpsClkFunc') ;
8)      SetGClickFunc(LyrNo, 'ClickFunc') ;
return true to open info window
9)      SetGDragFunc(LyrNo, 'DragFunc') ;

D) Map Functions
1)      SetGMap(MapNo, 'DivId', zom, Lat, Lng, Mtyp, scleCntrl, navigatCntrl, disableDblClickZom, scrllwhel, drggble) ;
   Mtyp :
2)      SetGMapNo(MapNo) ;
3)      SetGMapOptions(MapNo, zom, Lat, Lng, Mtyp, scleCntrl, navigatCntrl, disableDblClickZom, scrllwhel, drggble) ;
4)      SetGMapFreeOptions(MapNo, 'Options') ;
5)      ShowGTrafficLayer(MapNo) ;
6)      HideGTrafficLayer(MapNo) ;
7)      GetGmapZoom(MapNo) ;
8)      GetGmapType(MapNo) ;
9)      GetGmapCntrLat(MapNo) ;
10)  GetGmapCntrLng(MapNo) ;
11)  LoadGCookies(MapNo) ;
12)  SaveGCookies(MapNo) ;
13)  GetGAddressPlaces(MapNo, 'Address', LyrNo, 'DivID', 'DivHdr', 'Allclr', 'ClickClr', zom) ;
14)  SetGInputSearchBox(MapNo, 'InputBoxID', LyrNo, 'DivID', 'DivHdr', 'Allclr', 'ClickClr', zom) ;
  InputBoxID: the id of your Input Search box
15)  getAddress('address', 'hdr', LyrNo, 'DivID', 'Allclr', 'ClickClr', zom) ;
16)  SetGDirStart(LyrNo) ;
17)  SetGDirEnd(LyrNo) ;
18)  ShowGoogleDirection(LyrNo, 'DivId') ;
19)  HideGoogleDirection(LyrNo, 'DivId') ;
20)  CalcRoute(LyrNo, 'TrvMode', 'DivId') ;
21)  CalcRouteWayPoints(LyrNo, WpsLyrNo, 'TrvMode', 'DivId') ;
22)  getGpsPos(LyrNo, 'clr', 'str') ;
23)  GetGpsLat() ;
24)  GetGpsLng() ;
25)  SetGpsCenter() ;

E)   Layer Functions
1)      GetGLayersCount() ;
2)      GetGFeatsCount(LyrNo) ;
3)      SetGLabelClsNm('clsNm') ;
4)      SetGFeatLabelClsNm(LyrNo, id, 'LabelClsNm') ;
5)      SetGLayerLabelClsNm(LyrNo, 'LabelClsNm') ;
6)      SetGLayer(LyrNo, GTyp) ;
   GTyp :
   1 for points
   2 for polyline
   3 for polygon
7)      GetGLayerType(LyrNo) ;
8)      GetGLayerMapNo(LyrNo) ;
9)      SetGFeatInfo(LyrNo, id, 'cod', 'lbl', 'strokeColor', strokeOpacity, strokeWeight, 'fillColor', fillOpacity, size) ;
10)  SetGLayerInfo(LyrNo, 'strokeColor', strokeOpacity, strokeWeight, 'fillColor', fillOpacity, size) ;
11)  SetGPath(LyrNo, id, pth) ;
12)  SetGPoint(LyrNo, id, Lat, Lng) ;
13)  SetGPolyline(LyrNo, id, cntLat, cntLng) ;
14)  SetGPolygon(LyrNo, id, cntLat, cntLng) ;
15)  SetGImageFirstPoint(LyrNo, Lat, Lng) ;
16)  SetGImageSecondPoint(LyrNo, Lat, Lng) ;
17)  SetGImage(LyrNo, 'ImgSrc') ;
18)  SetGInfoWinContent(LyrNo, id, 'contentStr') ;
19)  SetGLayerZoom(LyrNo, Min, Max) ;
20)  SetGLabelZoom(LyrNo, Min, Max) ;
21)  RefreshGFeature(LyrNo, id) ;
22)  IsSelectedGFeature(LyrNo, id) ;
23)  SelectGFeature(LyrNo, id, 'clr') ;
24)  UnSelectGFeature(LyrNo, id) ;
25)  SetGMarkerCenter(LyrNo, id) ;
26)  SetGFeatCenter(LyrNo, id) ;
27)  SetGDraggable(LyrNo, id, TF) ;
  TF: true or false
28)  SetGFeatDraggable(LyrNo, id, TF) ;
  TF: true or false
29)  SetGLayerDraggable(LyrNo, TF) ;
  TF: true or false
30)  GetGClickFunc(LyrNo) ;
31)  ConfirmClick(LyrNo, id) ;
32)  ConfirmDrag(LyrNo, id) ;
33)  CancelDrag(LyrNo, id) ;
34)  FindPolygonByPoint(LyrNo, Pnt, StrtFeat) ;
35)  FindFeatByCode(LyrNo, 'cod', StrtFeat) ;
36)  ChangeGClrByCode(LyrNo, 'cod', 'strokeColor', strokeOpacity, strokeWeight, 'fillColor', fillOpacity, size) ;
37)  FindFeatByLabel(LyrNo, 'lbl', StrtFeat) ;
38)  GetLabels(LyrNo, 'lbl', hdr, 'DivID', 'Clr', zom) ;
39)  SetGIcon(LyrNo, id, 'IcoSrc') ;
40)  SetGFeatIcon(LyrNo, id, 'IcoSrc') ;
41)  SetGLayerIcon(LyrNo, 'IcoSrc') ;
42)  HideGFeatIcon(LyrNo, id) ;
43)  HideGLayerIcon(LyrNo) ;
44)  SetGPolylineIcon(LyrNo, id, iconSymbol, Pos) ;
45)  RefreshGLayerExtend(LyrNo) ;
46)  RefreshGLayer(LyrNo) ;
47)  ShowGLayer(LyrNo) ;
48)  HideGLayer(LyrNo, Opacity) ;
49)  ShowGLayerLabel(LyrNo) ;
50)  HideGLayerLabel(LyrNo) ;
51)  SetGLayerExtend(LyrNo) ;
52)  ZoomToGLayer(LyrNo) ;
53)  UnSelectGLayer(LyrNo) ;
54)  SetGfullExtend() ;
55)  ZoomToAllGLayer() ;

Smart GIS Open Source Code Samples

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    <script type="text/javascript" charset="UTF-8" src="Road.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" charset="UTF-8" src="Points.js"></script>

    <script type="text/javascript" charset="UTF-8">

        function OnResizeFunc() {
            WinWidth = (window.innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth || document.body.clientWidth || screen.width);
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            document.getElementById(String('GoogleDiv')).style.height = String((WinHeight - 48) + 'px');

        function OnLoadFunc() {
            SetGMap(1, 'GoogleDiv', 15, 30.0647135, 31.2198430, google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP, true, true, false, true, true);
            try {
                SetPointsGLayer(2); HideGLayerLabel(2); SetGLayerZoom(2, 1, 21); SetGLabelZoom(2, 17, 21);
                SetRoadGLayer(1); HideGLayerLabel(1); SetGLayerZoom(1, 1, 21); SetGLabelZoom(1, 17, 21);
            } catch (err) { }
            getGpsPos(100, '#00FFFF', 'My Location');
            StartGpsWatch(100, '#00FFFF', 'My Location', 11111);
            SetGInputSearchBox(1, '', 101, '', 'Places', 'Green', 'yellow', null);
<body class="MainBody" onload="JavaScript: OnLoadFunc();" onresize="JavaScript: OnResizeFunc();">
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                        <button class="Btn" onclick="JavaScript: SetGfullExtend();" title="Full Extent">Full Extent</button>
        <tr id="FooterTR">
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                Copyright resrved for Smart GIS ( Mohamed Elshayal )


  1. Replies
    1. Smart Gis Chat Gps Tracking Convert Gis Shape To Interactive Open Source Html Js Kml Web Gis Gps App: Open Source >>>>> Download Now

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      Smart Gis Chat Gps Tracking Convert Gis Shape To Interactive Open Source Html Js Kml Web Gis Gps App: Open Source >>>>> Download LINK

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      Smart Gis Chat Gps Tracking Convert Gis Shape To Interactive Open Source Html Js Kml Web Gis Gps App: Open Source >>>>> Download Full

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  3. Replies
    1. Thank you,
      Dear my GIS friend,
      Kindly please support and re-share our free Smart GIS Software which is the First GIS Software that Convert GIS Shape files to HTML Google Map Web Site and Mobile Application

  4. wonderful, Moh. Elshayal..Good luck and God willing

    1. Thank you and kindly please visit my face book page for more information

  5. Would you like to share the video tutorial to convert the .shp to html ?

    1. Thank you,
      Dear my GIS friend,
      Kindly please support and re-share our free Smart GIS Software which is the First GIS Software that Convert GIS Shape files to HTML Google Map Web Site and Mobile Application

  6. Would you like to share the video tutorial to convert the .shp to html ?

    1. Kindly please
      1 - open your GIS Layers
      2 - Tools -> Convert Shape Files to GIS HTML Web Site Application
      3 - press Browse button to select your target HTML file
      4 - Press Convert button (must be connected to the Internet)

  7. السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته .... اود التواصل مع سيادتكم

    1. Kindly please call me at 01222113080
      or send me an email to

  8. Replies
    1. Thank you,
      Dear my GIS friend,
      Kindly please support and re-share our free Smart GIS Software which is the First GIS Software that Convert GIS Shape files to HTML Google Map Web Site and Mobile Application

  9. thank you for your generosity. may God-bless you and your family

    1. Thank you,
      Dear my GIS friend,
      Kindly please support and re-share our free Smart GIS Software which is the First GIS Software that Convert GIS Shape files to HTML Google Map Web Site and Mobile Application

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  12. Smart Gis Chat Gps Tracking Convert Gis Shape To Interactive Open Source Html Js Kml Web Gis Gps App: Open Source >>>>> Download Now

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